Thursday, February 25, 2010

Book Review - Midnighters #2: Touching Darkness by Scott Westerfeld

Midnighters #2: Touching Darkness by Scott Westerfeld is of course book two of Scott's very successful Midnighters series.

Book #1 mostly concentrated on introducing readers to the Blue Hour, the extra 25th hour in the day that Jessica and her friends Rex, Melissa, Dess and Jonathan are able to move around in. It is also an hour wherein darklings, mysterious and dangerous creatures from a dark dimension populate the earth. Jessica and her friends have certain special gifts that help them combat these darklings, and in this book #2, we get to know more about each of the kids and their backgrounds.

As Jessica and friends learn more about their special gifts, especially Jessica with her 'light bringer' talent that can pretty much extinguish a darkling's life - they discover that there are humans in Bixby who also know about the Blue hour and the darklings. More worrying, the humans are after one of the Midnighter children. The fate? To be turned into a horrifying half human- half darkling creature...

Can Jessica and her friends work to stop this from happening? To find out, read the book!

As before, I was very impressed with Scott's imagination. I particularly loved the idea of imbuing metal objects with special powers ascribed to them by names. That the power came from the naming - kinda blew my mind with that one!

Check out Midnighters #2: Touching Darkness by Scott Westerfeld on Amazon!

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